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Large eddy simulation of pressure and dilution-jet effects on soot formation in a model aircraft swirl combustor Permalink

Published in Combustion and Flame, 2018

Recommended citation: Chong, Shao Teng and Hassanaly, Malik and Koo, Heeseok and Mueller, Michael E. and Raman, Venkat and Geigle, Klaus-Peter (2018). " Large eddy simulation of pressure and dilution-jet effects on soot formation in a model aircraft swirl combustor." Combustion and Flame. 192, 452-472.

Experimental data-based reduced-order model for analysis and prediction of flame transition in gas turbine combustors Permalink

Published in Combustion Theory and Modelling, 2019

Recommended citation: Barwey, Shivam and Hassanaly, Malik and An, Qiang and Raman, Venkat and Steinberg, Adam (2019). " Experimental data-based reduced-order model for analysis and prediction of flame transition in gas turbine combustors." Combustion Theory and Modelling. 23(6), 994-1020.

Optimization of Hydride Vapor Phase Epitaxy (HVPE) Deposition Reactor manufacturing III-V Materials using multiple Large-Eddy Simulations (LES) Permalink

Published in AIChE Annual Meeting, 2020

Recommended citation: Hassanaly, Malik and Sitaraman, Hari and Udwary, Kevin and Schulte, Kevin L. and Splawn, Heather and Ptak, Aaron and Simon (2020). " Optimization of Hydride Vapor Phase Epitaxy (HVPE) Deposition Reactor Manufacturing III-V Materials Using Multiple Large-Eddy Simulations (LES)." AIChE Annual Meeting. /files/pdf/dhvpe_aiche.pdf

Surface chemistry models for GaAs epitaxial growth and hydride cracking using reacting flow simulations Permalink

Published in Journal of Applied Physics, 2021

Recommended citation: Hassanaly, Malik and Sitaraman, Hari and Schulte, Kevin L. and Ptak, Aaron J. and Simon, John and Udwary, Kevin and Leach, Jacob H. and Splawn, Heather (2021). " Surface chemistry models for GaAs epitaxial growth and hydride cracking using reacting flow simulations." Journal of Applied Physics. 130(11), 115702.

Iterative Workflow for Quantification and Minimization of Reduced Chemistry-Induced Uncertainties in Reacting Flow Simulation

Published in WIPP 39th International Symposium on Combustion, 2022

Recommended citation: Pang, Hao-Wei and Hassanaly, Malik and Perry, Bruce and Day, Marc and Green, William H (2022). " Iterative Workflow for Quantification and Minimization of Reduced Chemistry-Induced Uncertainties in Reacting Flow Simulation." WIPP 39th International Symposium on Combustion.

Simulation of an RCCI Engine using the Pele Suite of Exascale Codes
🏆 Milton Van Dyke Award

Published in 75th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics, 2022

Recommended citation: Wimer, Nicholas and Esclapez, Lucas and Brunhart-Lupo, Nicholas and Henry de Frahan, Marc and Rahimi, Mohammad and Hassanaly, Malik and Rood, Jon and Yellapantula, Shashank and Sitaraman, Hariswaran and Perry, Bruce and Martin, Michael and Doronina, Olga and Nadakkal Appukuttan, Sreejith and Rieth, Martin and Day, Marc (2022). " Simulation of an RCCI Engine using the Pele Suite of Exascale Codes." 75th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics.

Reconstructing Atmospheric Initial Conditions from Synthetic Field Measurements for Turbine Model Validation through Denoising Diffusion Probabilistic Models Permalink

Published in 103rd AMS Meeting, 2023

Recommended citation: Rybchuk, Alex and Hassanaly, Malik and Martinez-Tossas, Luis A. and Hamilton, Nicholas and Fulton, Mitchell J. and Doubrawa, Paula (2023). "Reconstructing Atmospheric Initial Conditions from Synthetic Field Measurements for Turbine Model Validation through Denoising Diffusion Probabilistic Models." 103rd AMS Meeting.

PELE - Transforming Combustion Science and Technology with Exascale Simulations

Published in 2023 Exascale Computing Project Annual Meeting, 2023

Recommended citation: Chen, Jackie and Day, Marc and Sankaran, Ramanan and Klippenstein, Stephen and Arienti, Marco and Henry de Frahan, Marc and Desai, Swapnil and Esclapez, Lucas and Hassanaly, Malik and Ge, Wenjun and Green, Bill and Grout, Ray and Lu, Tianfeng and Owen, Landon and Rieth, Martin and Rood, Jon and Martin, Michael and Appukuttan, Sreejith Nadakkal and Rahimi, Mohammad and Soriano, Bruno and Wimer, Nicholas and Wolfson-Pou, Jordi and Yellapantula, Shashank (2023). "PELE - Transforming Combustion Science and Technology with Exascale Simulations." Exascale Computing Project Annual Meeting.

Examination of a Methane/Diesel RCCI Engine using Pele

Published in 13th U.S. National Combustion Meeting, 2023

Recommended citation: Wimer, Nicholas T. and Escalpez, Lucas and Henry de Frahan, Marc and Rahimi, Mohammad and Hassanaly, Malik and Perry, Bruce and Rood, Jon and Yellapantula, Shashank and Sitaraman, Hariswaran and Martin, Michael and Doronina, Olga and Nadakkal Appukuttan, Sreejith and Reith, Martin and Day, Marc. (2023). "Examination of a Methane/Diesel RCCI Engine using Pele." 13th U.S. National Combustion Meeting.

A baseline for ensemble-based, time-resolved inflow reconstruction for a single turbine using large-eddy simulations and latent diffusion models Permalink

Published in Wake Conference 2023, 2023

Recommended citation: Rybchuk, Alex and MartĂ­nez-Tossas, Luis A. and Hamilton, Nicholas and Droubrawa, Paula and Vijayakumar, Ganesh and Hassanaly, Malik and Kuhn, Michael B. and Zalkind, Daniel S. (2023). "A baseline for ensemble-based, time-resolved inflow reconstruction for a single turbine using large-eddy simulations and latent diffusion models." Wake Conference.

Visualizations of a methane/diesel RCCI engine using PeleC and PeleLMeX Permalink

Published in Physical Review Fluids, 2023

Recommended citation: Wimer, Nicholas T. and Esclapez, Lucas and Brunhart-Lupo, Nicholas and Henry de Frahan, Marc and Rahimi, Mohammad, and Hassanaly, Malik and Rood, Jon and Yellapantula, Shashank and Perry, Bruce and Martin, Michael and Doronina, Olga and Appukuttan, Sreejith N. and Rieth, Martin and Day, Marc (2023). " Visualizations of a methane/diesel RCCI engine using PeleC and PeleLMeX." Physical Review Fluids, Vol. 8, 110511

Ensemble flow reconstruction in the atmospheric boundary layer from spatially limited measurements through latent diffusion models Permalink

Published in Physics of Fluids, 2023

Recommended citation: Rybchuk, Alex and Hassanaly, Malik and Hamilton, Nicholas and Doubrawa, Paula and Fulton, Mitchell J. and Martinez-Tossas, Luis A. "Ensemble flow reconstruction in the atmospheric boundary layer from spatially limited measurements through latent diffusion models." Physics of Fluids, Vol. 35, pp. 126604, 2023.

PINN surrogate of Li-ion battery models for parameter inference. Part I: Implementation and multi-fidelity hierarchies for the single-particle model Permalink

Published in Journal of Energy Storage, 2024

Recommended citation: Hassanaly, Malik and Weddle, Peter J. and King, Ryan N. and De, Subhayan and Doostan, Alireza and Randall, Corey R. and Dufek, Eric J. and Colclasure, Andrew M. and Smith, Kandler. "PINN surrogate of Li-ion battery models for parameter inference. Part I: Implementation and multi-fidelity hierarchies for the single-particle model (2024)." Journal of Energy Storage, Vol. 98, 113103.

PINN surrogate of Li-ion battery models for parameter inference. Part II: Regularization and application of the pseudo-2D model Permalink

Published in Journal of Energy Storage, 2024

Recommended citation: Hassanaly, Malik and Weddle, Peter J. and King, Ryan N. and De, Subhayan and Doostan, Alireza and Randall, Corey R. and Dufek, Eric J. and Colclasure, Andrew M. and Smith, Kandler. "PINN surrogate of Li-ion battery models for parameter inference. Part II: Regularization and application of the pseudo-2D (2024)." Journal of Energy Storage, Vol. 98, 113104.

The Pele Simulation Suite for Reacting Flows at Exascale

Published in 2024 SIAM Conference on Parallel Processing for Scientific Computing (PP), 2024

Recommended citation: Henry de Frahan, Marc T. and Escalpez, Lucas and Rood, Jon and Wimer, Nicholas T. and Mullowney Paul and Perry, Bruce A. and Owen, Landon and Sitaraman, Hariswaran and Yellapantula, Shashank and Hassanaly, Malik and Rahimi, Mohammad J. and Martin, Michael J. and Doronina, Olga A. and Nadakkal Appukuttan, Sreejith and Reith, Martin and Ge, Wenjun and Sankaran, Ramanan and Almgren, Ann S. and Zhang, Weiqun and Bell, John B. and Grout, Ray and Day, Marc S. and Chen, Jacqueline H. (2024). "The Pele Simulation Suite for Reacting Flows at Exascale." Proceedings of the 2024 SIAM Conference on Parallel Processing for Scientific Computing (PP).

Toward high-throughput deposition of III-V materials and devices using halide vapor phase epitaxy Permalink

Published in Physics, Simulation, and Photonic Engineering of Photovoltaic Devices XIII, 2024

Recommended citation: Ptak, Aaron J. and Hassanaly, Malik and Udwary, Kevin and Leach, Jacob H. and Dodson, Gregg and Splawn, Heather and Schulte, Kevin L. and Simon, John (2024). "Toward high-throughput deposition of III-V materials and devices using halide vapor phase epitaxy." Physics, Simulation, and Photonic Engineering of Photovoltaic Devices XIII.

SUNDIALS Time Integrators for Exascale Applications with Many Independent ODE Systems Permalink

Published in International Journal of High Performance Computing Applications, 2024

Recommended citation: Balos, Cody J. and Day, Marc and Esclapez, Lucas and Felden, Anne M. and Gardner, David J. and Hassanaly, Malik and Reynolds, Daniel R. and Rood, Jon and Sexton, Jean M. and Wimer, Nicholas T. and Woodward, Carol S. (2025)." SUNDIALS Time Integrators for Exascale Applications with Many Independent ODE Systems." International Journal of High Performance Computing Applications Vol. 39, Iss. 1, pp. 123-146.

Symbolic construction of the chemical Jacobian of quasi-steady state (QSS) chemistries for Exascale computing platforms Permalink

Published in Combustion and Flame, 2024

Recommended citation: Hassanaly, Malik and Wimer, Nicholas T. and Felden, Anne and Esclapez, Lucas and Ream, Julia and Henry de Frahan, Marc T. and Rood, Jon and Day, Marc (2024)." Symbolic construction of the chemical Jacobian of quasi-steady state (QSS) chemistries for Exascale computing platforms." Combustion and Flame, Volume 270, 113740.